Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions

Innovative Training Networks: MSCA-ITN-2016

Topic DescriptionObjective:The Innovative Training Networks (ITN) aim to train a new generation of creative, entrepreneurial and innovative early-stage researchers, able to face current and future challenges and to convert knowledge and ideas into products and services for economic and social benefit.ITN will raise excellence and structure research and doctoral training, extending the traditional academic research training setting, incorporating the elements of Open Science and equipping researchers with the right combination of research-related and transferable competences


Rutherford International Fellowship Programme - MSCA-COFUND-Fellowship programme

The Rutherford International Fellowship Programme is a post-doctoral fellowship scheme part-funded by the European Commission under Horizon 2020, through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND scheme. The Programme will support up to 36 post-doctoral researchers to work within Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) departments and facilities, as well as the Diamond Light Source.


SoMoPro 3 - Individual Fellowships - 1 st call for proposals, MSCA-COFUND-FP

South Moravian Programme for Distinguished Researchers (SoMoPro) is a regional fellowship programme operated in South Moravia, Czech Republic. It is co-funded by the Regional Authority of the South Moravian Region and the European Commission – Research Executive Agency under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) COFUND scheme. The South Moravian Centre for International Mobility (JCMM) acts as Programme Administrator. 


Ghiduri neformale p/u aplicanții la Bursele Individuale MSCA

 Stimați colegi, din moment ce aplicarea pentru Bursele Individuale MSCA este în toi, vă recomandăm, pe lângă ghidul oficial al Comisiei și FAQ-ul, ghiduri neformale dar extrem de utile, pregătite de Punctele Naționale de Contact MSCA din Cipru și Luxemburg: 1) IF Survivors' Guide și 2) How to Write a Winning Proposal for Individual Fellowship 


Marie Curie ASSISTID COFUND deschis!

The ASSISTID programme which will fund 40 post-doctoral fellows is co-funded by the European Commission and the charity RESPECT, and is coordinated by the DOCTRID Research Institute. The DOCTRID Research Institute includes the Daughters of Charity Disability Support Services, all of the universities on the island of Ireland, the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, and the US universities Michigan State University and the University of Massachusetts.



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