Consiliul European pentru Inovare organizează, la 24-25 noiembrie 2021, un summit hibrid în cadrul căruia vor fi anunțați câștigătorii premiilor pentru femei inovatoare, premiul iCapital și premiul pentru achiziții inovatoare, precum și lansarea Forumului EIC.
Eveniment organizat de Enterprise Europe Bruxelles la 17 iunie 2021 (online). Accentul evenimentului cade pe pe dezvoltarea orașelor inteligente. Evenimentul este deschis atât companiilor private cât și autorităților publice.
For the ninth time, the conference invites researchers and entrepreneurs from North Rhine-Westphalia and regions in Europe to find new European Research & Innovation (R&I) partners for Horizon 2020 projects.
On 10 January 2018, the European Commission launched a series of public consultations clustered by key policy areas, in preparation for the EU's next long-term budget post-2020 (MFF). Citizens, organisations and businesses can give their views online until 8 March 2018.
The NCP Academy is also pleased to invite all NCPs for training on the preparation of webinars. Globalization and technological advancement are rapidly changing the way people work. Spreading information, working and learning virtually is becoming the rule instead of the exception. This new way of communicating requires new ways of presenting, using IT-tools and preparing your input.
The training will provide a comprehensive overview of the H2020 proposal writing and implementation.
Are you NCP? Are you familiar with the theory, but you would like to get a more practical insight into the legal and financial aspects of H2020? Our training is tailor made for you!
A number of the restrictive measures adopted by the EU against Russia have direct implications on the Horizon 2020 (H2020) and Horizon Europe (HE) Programmes.
The European Commission has announced the launch of the MSCA4Ukraine scheme, part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. The MSCA4Ukraine scheme is part of the EU’s response to the Russia’s invasio
A competitive COFUND call offering opportunities for postdoctoral fellowships in research at the intersection of data science and neurology at an Irish university.