Discover the daily practices leading wellness experts use to create the life they want, available for free at no cost.About this event20/20 Intuition presents the Personal Practice Summit.
International research and developmentsAbout this eventWhen you reach the final months/weeks/days of life, it is important that you get the treatment, care and support that is right for you. That involves decision-making. Most of us will want to be involved in making decisions that affect our lives. What if you have an intellectual disability (known as “learning disability” in the UK)? Would you want to be involved, and if so, how can that be achieved?In this webinar, we will hear the opinions of people with intellectual disabilities about being involved in end-of-life decisions.
We will cover stress management, mindfulness, resilience and wellness. Based on the Harvard model, evidenced by the neuroscience.About this eventThis series of talks aim to distill down some of the latest evidence base on stress management, positive psychology, mindulness and neuroplasticity. We will cover relaxation techniques, the neuroscience of stress, the neuroscience of connection, relationships, attachment theory, mindfulness, meditation and lots more.Dr Safia Debar is a private GP with an interest in Stress Management and Neuroplasticty.
Join dietitian Sophie Medlin, RD, and neuroscientist Dr Tara Swart to learn how to feed your hungriest organ, your brain.About this eventPlease note: although open to all, this event is intended for nutrition professionals.Balancing the science behind how nutrients are used by your brain with the reality of getting them from your diet, the event will cover 3 topics, followed by an audience Q&A:
A Collaborative Revolution: Pluralistic Practice and ChangeAbout this event‘A Collaborative Revolution: Pluralistic Practice and Change’ The 4th International Conference on Pluralistic Counselling and Psychotherapy, hosted by University of South Wales and Online Events, will celebrate the development of the Pluralistic movement through the last 10 years, and consider how pluralism can contribute to the wider future of mental health. If you are interested in presenting, we have now extended the deadline due to ongoing interest and you can find more information regarding submissions, by click
More than just an event, Total Health is a movement. We Unite CEOs, innovators, disruptors and policy makers to set the roadmap for a system of full access and health equity.As the world looks to the healthcare industry for guidance, this is where its leaders come to set the agenda and change lives.Join 5000+ healthcare leaders to build a better healthcare system.
The HealthTech Innovation Days demonstrates that access to innovative care for all depends on the right funding and partnership in-between actors in health and finance.This event organized by HealthTech For Care, an endowment fund launched by France Biotech, and co-organised with EIT Health, and in collaboration with BIO Deutschland, BioWin ,CEBR,
EIT Health is hosting a webinar to help you learn what opportunities the HealthTech Innovation Days event can bring to innovative European healthcare companies.
Don't miss the opportunity to get involved in the next Horizon Europe 2021 Health proposals!Monday, 5th July 2021 | 10:30 - 17:30The launch of the 2021 calls is planned for June 2021; this will be the first calls of the new Framework Programme Horizon Europe.The European action Bridge2HE together with the European Commssion and Enterprise Europe Network is organizing the next Horizon Europe Brokerage Event on the 2021 Cluster Health call for proposals.This international partnering event will help you to build your consortium for the upcoming 2021 calls of the 2021-2022 Health Work
Agenția Națională pentru Cercetare și Dezvoltare anunță lansarea concursului proiectelor multilaterale în cadrul Inițiativei Comune de Program (JPI) Rezistența Antimicrobiană
Comisia Europeană, prin DG ECFIN anunţă organizarea evenimentului online privind lansarea Programului InvestEU pe 18 martie 2021 la ora 15:30. (Bruxelles).
Inițiativa Bauhaus european își propune crearea unor spații creative care prin arhitectura și activitățile pe care le promovează vor ajuta orașele să devină mai moderne, ecologice și inclu
JPIAMR exprimă plăcerea de a lansa pre-anunțul pentru prezentul apel de cercetare transnațional.Apelul pledează pentru abordarea ”One Health” întru a conștientiza impactul intervențiilor și a evolu
Integrarea abordării serviciilor ecosistemice în politici și practici este cheia pentru o gestionare durabilă a resurselor acvatice, condusă de Mary Kelly Quinn UCD Irl
Agenția Națională pentru Cercetare și Dezvoltare din Republica Moldova pre-anunță lansarea unui nou apel cu următorul subiect: “Conservarea și restaurarea ecosi