eChallenges e-2015 Conference


Mie, 25 Noe 2015


Vilnius, Lithuania


Supported by the European Commission, the 25th annual eChallenges e-2015 Conference takes place in Vilnius, Lithuania from 25 - 27 November. Focused on Applied ICT addressing major Societal Challenges, and showcasing strategic keynote presentations, technical and policy papers, case studies and workshops, eChallenges brings together senior representatives from leading commercial, government and research organisations around the world to share knowledge and experience, lessons learnt, good practice and innovation.

Core Thematic Priorities for eChallenges e-2015


Applied ICT addressing Societal Challenges

- ICT-related Entrepreneurship and Innovation

- eHealth and mHealth

- eGovernment, eParticipation & eDemocracy


- eInclusion

- Digital Libraries and Cultural Heritage

- Technology Enhanced Learning and ICT Skills

- Intelligent Content and Semantics

- Societal Implications of Technology


Emerging Technologies & Infrastructures

- Future Internet & Smart Cities including FIWARE applications

- eInfrastructures & Smart Grid

- Collaborative Open Innovation and Living Labs

- Cloud Computing

- Mobile Applications

- Security and Identity Management


More information is available at


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