Webinar: What is “Impact” – how does the Commission define it and what are H2020 evaluators looking for?

When Robert-Jan Smits, the European Commission’s Director-General for Research and Innovation,  told Science|Business in mid-2015 that ‘impact’ will become even more important in the evaluation process, what did he mean and why did he say it? To have the best chance of success with your H2020 bid, you need to understand the definitions and interpretations. We will provide you with:

  • examples of what it is and what it is not
  • tips on how/where to find the necessary input for writing a good Impact section
  • examples of how you can write Impact in a convincing manner
  • tips to be able to implement and deliver on what you are promising


The webinar will be released on 28 April 2016. More information you can find here