WaterWorks2015 (H2020)

Project domain: 

  • Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials

Project deadline: 

Wed, 1 Jan 2020

Project website: 


Person responsible: 

Ion Marin





Project objectives: 

Proposals are invited on the topic "Sustainable management of water resources in agriculture, forestry and freshwater aquaculture sectors", which comprises the following challenges:
  1. Increasing the efficiency and resilience of water uses
  2. Monitoring and reducing soil and water pollution
  3. Integrating social and economic dimensions into the sustainable management and governance of water resources

The 2016 Joint Call is funded by 25 funding organisations from 22 countries – with the European Commission participation.

This Call is for collaborative transnational research proposals. Consortia should include a minimum of three eligible partners that request funding from three different participating countries.


"Sustainable management of water resources in agriculture, forestry and freshwater aquaculture sectors"

The WaterWorks2015 ERA-NET Cofund was launched in January 2016 in support of the Water JPI, as a result of a joint collaborative effort with the FACCE JPI. It is funded by the EC under H2020. WaterWorks2015 aims at tackling water challenges at European and international levels through the development of transnational and transdisciplinary research and innovation actions.

WaterWorks2015 addresses especially the challenges of:

  • Ensuring the provision of water resources for the agricultural, forestry and freshwater aquaculture sector in a context of global climate change and consumers’ demands for more ecologically friendly products. The reuse of treated water from different sources (e.g. industries, cities) should be further exploited;
  • Protecting humans against health risks if additional water sources, such as reuse, are made available;
  • The more sustainable growth of the agriculture, forestry and freshwater aquaculture sectors whilst paving the way towards job creation in all these economic areas.

WaterWorks2015 will benefit researchers, policy-makers, water authorities, utility operators, industry, farmers, and citizens by developing research and innovation in the water area.