Smart, Green and Integrated Transport

Contrail-cirrus, other non-CO2 effects and Smart Flying

The aim of this event is to bring together the atmospheric science and civil aircraft operating communities to consider the prospects for reducing the climate impact of contrail-cirrus by re-routing air traffic to avoid the localised regions of cold moist air in which persistent contrails form. 

The programme will cover the non-CO2 aviation effects on climate, radiative effects of contrail-cirrus, mitigation options for air traffic as well as practical considerations for implementing a contrail avoidance system, the implications for airlines and the policy perspective.


3rd ETNAplus Forum

ETNAplus will host its third forum in London, on the 19th of October 2015. The aim of this event is to provide other NCPs with the latest information relevant to their activities, and allow them to meet important stakeholders.



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