Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing

EU ABS Regulation Training Workshop (Warsaw, PL)

The EU is a party to the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilisation. The EU ABS Regulation1, which transposes into the EU legal order the compliance pillar of the Protocol, became applicable as of 12 October 2014. The principal obligations of the Regulation will become applicable as of 12 October 2015.The EU ABS Regulation workshop aims at providing the participants with knowledge about their obligations under the EU ABS Regulation and what they practically imply for their everyday work.


Eighth EDCTP Forum (Lusaka, ZM)

The EDCTP Forum is a biennial event that provides an international platform for the presentation and discussion of frontier research to address the burden of neglected, infectious, poverty-related diseases (PRDs)*, as well as capacity development and networking activities to support these goals.The Eighth EDCTP Forum will be held from 6-9 November 2016 in Lusaka, Zambia. The Forum is co-hosted by the Zambian Ministry of Health and will take place at the Government Complex conference centre.


Third European Congress on eCardiology and eHealth (Berlin, DE)

Third European Congress on eCardiology and eHealth will take place in Berlin, Germany, on 26 - 28 October 2016. The congress will be about cutting edge science and discover new and emerging applications in eHealth and telemedicine in both chronic disease management and cardiology. This conference, with the EU-funded United4Health project as one of the institutional partners, features more than 30 sessions with over 70 speakers from around the world.



We invite you to participate in the 22nd International specialized exhibition MOLDMEDIZIN & MOLDDENT, which will be held betweenSeptember 7-10, 2016, in the framework of the "Days of Health" at the International Exhibition Center Moldexpo.MOLDMEDIZIN & MOLDDENT is the most important event in Moldova dedicated to healthcare, aimed to develop the local market of medical products and services.Both local and foreign companies are invited to join the 


Methods research for improved health economic evaluation

Health systems need to be resilient. They must be able to adapt effectively to changing environments, and tackle significant challenges with limited resources. Many changes are taking place including demographics and burdens of disease, advances in biomedical research, health technologies and personalised medicine, and the availability of large, population-based data sets.


SC1-PM-11-2016-2017: Clinical research on regenerative medicine

Translating basic knowledge on regenerative medicine into the clinic is often delayed by the difficulty of undertaking "first in man" studies and carrying out the specific research needed for proving safety and efficacy of new treatments as well as reproducibility of their therapeutic effect. Moreover, financing for these steps in the new therapeutic field of regenerative medicine is particularly scarce, due to lack of established business and regulatory models.



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