Innovation in SMEs

Workshop-ul ”Inovația în Afaceri”, eveniment pentru tinerii antreprenori

Academia de Științe a Moldovei, Centrul Proiecte Internaționale, Rețeaua Punctelor Naționale de Contact pentru Programul Horizon 2020 și Centrul pentru Dezvoltare Socio-Economică și Susținere a Antreprenoriatului Inovațional invită tinerii antreprenori să participe vineri, 5 iunie 2015, la workshopul specializat ”INOVAȚIA ÎN AFACERI”, care se va desfășura în incinta Academiei de Științe a Moldova, bd Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt, nr. 1, cu începere de la ora 11:00.


The role of the EEN in the SME Instrument’s coaching process

Under Horizon’s SME Instrument, beneficiaries do not only receive money, they can also benefit from up to 12 days of business coaching. In each region there’s a person at Enterprise Europe Network – the Key Account Manager (KAM) – ready to help the beneficiaries identifying the challenges they face, their coaching needs and also selecting the most relevant coaches.


Tips for SME Instrument applicants

The European Commission (EC) introduced two new funding instruments in the Horizon 2020 programme, meant to shorten the time-to-market of European innovations and support research-performing SMEs. The new schemes have been widely acclaimed as a much needed change of focus compared to FP7, as they support close-to-market innovation activities (e.g. demonstration, market replication) instead of pure research activities, and therefore are more attractive to SMEs.



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