Main pillar:
- Science with and for Society
Call deadline:
- Open
Specific Challenge:
Gender equality is a key priority of the European Research Area. The Communication "A Reinforced European Research Area: Partnership for Excellence and Growth" invites research performing organisations (RPOs), including Higher Education Institutions, as well as research funding organisations (RFOs) to take action to promote gender equality in R&I by implementing institutional changes relating to HR management, funding, decision-making and research programmes through Gender Equality Plans, with the following objectives :
Removing barriers to the recruitment, retention and career progression of female researchers;
• Addressing gender imbalances in decision making processes;
• Strengthening the gender dimension in research programmes.
Expected Impact:
The proposed action will contribute to increase the number of RPOs and RFOs starting to implement gender equality plans pursuing the three objectives mentioned above under "specific challenge". In the medium to long term, activities will contribute to the achievement of ERA in particular by increasing the number of female researchers, improving their careers and mobility. The integration of the gender dimension in research programmes and content will contribute to the quality of research and the social value of innovations.