Presentations of EuroNanoForum 2015 and Webinar on Business Plans now Online

The presentations of the past EuroNanoForum in Riga from June 2015 are a great opportunity to be informed on actual projects in the area of NMBP and to get insired for your next project. Furthermore find details on how your business plan in the impact session should look like!

The conference in Riga gave insight in the new focus of Horizon 2020 and showed how lab projects have been successfully turned into market products. More than 50% of all presentations are available right now and there will be more day by day!

Go to Presentations

When preparing for an innovation action the outline of a business plan in the impact section of your proposal is key. Find details on what the commission is expecting in the webinar. After validation also the questions and answers will be published on the NMBP NCP website TeAm.

Go to Webinar

Go to Questions and Answers (TeAm website)