The conference aims to maximise the competitiveness of the European technology industry.
It will gather over 700 attendees, to form an interconnected community involving companies, organizations and people in research and innovation, market validation and Living Lab research, business development, entrepreneurship and enterprise strategy and policy making. By bridging the gaps between these communities, innovations will more easily and effectively find their way to the market. Günther H. Oettinger, Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society will be one of the keynote speakers.
This year as a new feature, the conference will be a single event bringing together all of Net Futures' interest groups around cross-cutting topics: Internet of Things, open source, cloud, smart cities, and start-ups. It will also include consultation meetings that cover all Net Futures' topics:
- Network Technologies,
- Software & Services,
- Cloud,
- Net Innovation,
- Experimental Platforms.
The conference programme includes three high level cross-cutting plenary sessions, nine thematic workshops and more than sixty distinguished speakers.
Net Futures 2015 offers:
- Plenaries with some of the most influential minds in R&I, more precisely on topics of strengthening Digital Innovation and Research objectives in the Digital Single Market.
- Dynamic cross-cutting sessions in innovative formats such as an unconference, FIWARE Challenge or perfect pitch.
- Visionary ideas and provocative talks that define the future of technological R&I and contribute to growth and employment and towards a Digital Single Market.
- A clear three–pillar structure representing the stages in the life-cycle of an idea: research and innovation, technological validation, and final delivery to market.
- An interactive exhibition of the best and most recent Future Internet showcases and demos.
- Numerous networking opportunities both in the Perfect Pitch Panel and the walking dinner closing the first day of the conference.
To facilitate your Net Futures 2015 experience you can download our event's apps Tapcrowd or Fuseami.
Follow @netfuturesEU on twitter and ask any questions using the #netfutures15 hashtag.
So don't wait any longer… register right away and if we can be of assistance, please contact us at
Net Futures 2015 is born to scale, be part of it.