Webinar: Marie Skłodowska-Curie: RISE, Individual Fellowships and Euraxess.


Wed, 31 Jan 2018


Save the date:  31 January 2018
Time:                    11 am CET
Duration:            approx. 60 minutes (including Q&A)

Click to join the webinar: Webinar Room

This webinar will focus on new calls in Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions:

·         RISE (Research and Innovation Staff Exchange),

·         IF (Individual Fellowships) and

·         Euraxess network



This webinar will focus on new calls in Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions:


·         RISE (Research and Innovation Staff Exchange),

·         IF (Individual Fellowships)

·         and Euraxess network.


It will be conducted by:

·         National Contact Point for MSCA in Russia - Elena Nasybulina,

·         National Contact Point for MSCA in Poland - Magdalena Chomicka and Adam Głuszuk,

·         Polish Euraxess expert - Olga Wąsowska.