Main pillar:
- Science with and for Society
Call deadline:
Call for Abstracts “Beyond homo oeconomicus: diversity in economics and social science” - Festival for New Economic ThinkingThe Gender and Economics Working group invites scholars from a wide spectrum of academic disciplines to submit their work for the Festival for New Economic Thinking that will take place from 19-20 October 2017 at the Edinburgh Corn Exchange in Scotland.Moving beyond homo oeconomicus and the misleading idea that humans are rational actors (mainly identified with occidental white men) who make decisions based on narrow self-interest, promises a more critical, transnational and interdisciplinary perspective.Testing conventional disciplinary boundaries and developing alternative methodologies involving interactions with other categories of analysis such as race, ethnicity, class and sexuality means not only to include “gender” as a binary variable in economic models, but RETHINKING the theoretical basis of social sciences.In this interdisciplinary call for abstract the Gender Economics Working Group, proposes some potential topics of discussion:Who are the economists?What is the role of gender in the economic thought?What do economists think about discrimination?In answering to these questions, we can discuss gender segregation, gender-fair recruitment and retention strategies, gender stereotypes, gender in research and innovation, gender and precarity in universities and cultural industries, gender and finance, gender division of labour, care economy, race and migrations, gender and lending in credit markets, etc.