The conference will take place 14-17 August, 2017 in Aarhus, Denmark. Among the many interesting and relevant topics for astrobiology, EANA17 emphasizes “Exoplanets”, a new and exciting field in the search for extraterrestrial life.
AbGradE (Astrobiology Graduates in Europe) is an independent association with the main goal of promoting scientific networking among early-career astrobiologists. It was initiated by EANA and it is managed by an enthusiastic group of PhD students and post-docs that are responsible for organizing activities that foster networking as well as give a broader background in the different disciplines that Astrobiology comprises.
A bi-annual symposium based in Europe is the main gathering for this purpose. In the years between the two symposia, AbGradE organises a one-day workshop in line with EANA`s topic.
Everyone is welcome to join and participate in AbGradE!