- A total of 36 732 eligible proposals were submitted under Horizon 2020’s first 100 calls (comparing with 135 514 proposals submitt ed under the FP7), breaking down as follows:
» 29 794 full proposals in single-stage calls;
» 5 617 outline proposals in the first stage of the two-stage calls;
» 1 321 full proposals in the second stage of the twostage calls;
» In total, 31 115 full proposals were submitted.
- The total number of eligible applications in full proposals was 123 334 (FP7: 598 080).
- These eligible proposals requested a total EU financial contribution of €80.3 billion (FP7: €217.1 billion), and were evaluated by 9 325 experts.
- 4 315 proposals were retained for funding. The overall success rate of eligible full proposals under the first 100 calls is around 14%, compared with around 20% for the whole of FP7.
- 38% of successfull applicants were newcomers (compared to 13% in 2013, the last year of FP7), of which 1 100 were SMEs.
- The 20% budget target for SMEs has been achieved.
- 3 236 grant agreements were signed by the end of April 2015 (compared with 25 164 grant agreements over the seven years of FP7).
- These grant agreements awarded a total EU contribution of €5.5 billion towards total eligible costs of €6.5 billion.
- 95% of all grant agreements were signed within the target of eight months.
The entire, very interesting document about the first results of H2020 is available at the following link: http://goo.gl/GJ7nvV