The multiannual work programme will take into account the policitical priorities of the European Union and foresight exercises.
Consultation of stakeholders is an integral part of the programming process. Therefore, a targeted consultation of stakeholders was held until 8 April 2016. As background material the following documents were provided:
- Council Decision of 3 December 2013 establishing the specific programme implementing Horizon 2020
- The report on strategic foresight and its three annexes: report, annex I-III
Further details on the results of the consultation will be made available on this webpage by summer 2016.
Furthermore, the challenge will consider in particular the following inputs:
- Advisory Group: Report on "Solutions-oriented research and innovation agenda for Horizon 2020" (April 2014) and input on the strategic orientations for 2018-2020 (expected in June 2016)
- Advice from group of experts, on issues including:
- E-consultation of stakeholders on Nature based solutions
- European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials: Strategic Implementation Plan, Part I andPart II, New call for commitments open until 1 March 2016.
- European Innovation Partnership on Water: Strategic Implementation Plan
- Joint Programming Initiative 'Water challenges for a changing world': Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda
- Joint Programming Initiative 'Climate': Strategic Research Agenda
- Joint Programming Initiative 'Urban Europe': Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda
- GEO Highl Level Working Group: GEO Strategic Plan 2016-2025
- BiodivERsa