Virtual event: Policy Mix for NMBP, 14 April 2016

NMP TeAm project invites to participate in a Virtual Event for Clients focused on Policy Mix for NMBP. The event is scheduled for the 14th of April at 14.30 PM (CET).

Doris Schröcker from European Commission, DG Research & Innovation (D1-Key Enabling Technologies, Strategy),  will make a presentation about how proposals should respond to the relevant policies and how this policies should be considered when preparing proposals applications to the NMBP calls.



14:30 Opening

14:40 Policy Mix presentation

15:00 Questions and Answers from the registration form

15:15 Live questions

15:30 Closing


The participation is free of charge.

For registrations, please fill the Registration Form before 8th of April.

Organizers kindly ask you to pose any questions you have about Policy Mix in the registration form. Nonetheless, the speaker will also be available to reply to any questions that may arise during the event.


More information on how to get connected to the virtual conference tool will be sent a few days before the Virtual Event for registrants.
