
Tue, 20 Feb 2018

O nouă rundă de granturi lansată în cadrul Programului guvernamental DIASPORA ENGAGEMENT HUB (DEH)

Biroul Relaţii cu Diaspora anunţă lansarea unei noi runde de granturi în cadrul Programului guvernamental DIASPORA ENGAGEMENT HUB (DEH).
Language: English
Mon, 19 Feb 2018

Remembering the astronomer Vera Rubin the International Day of Women and Girls in Science

We invite you to enjoy the paint and the letter created by artists Jennifer Monfrans as part of her great work on women scientists.

Language: English
Thu, 15 Feb 2018

Prezentările din cadrul atelierului de lucru: "Cooperation opportunities within Horizon 2020: RDI and Scientific DIASPORA"

La data de 9 februarie 2018, la Chişinau, şi-a desfăşurat lucrările Atelierul de lucru dedicat Diasporei Științifice: "Posibilități de cooperare în cadrul programului Orizont 2020: in
Language: English
Mon, 12 Feb 2018

New booklet shows how EU research and innovation funding impacts your daily life

The European Commission has published a new booklet showing a few examples where EU support for research and innovation is making a real difference in the lives of citizens and society as a whole.

Language: English
Tue, 6 Feb 2018

Raport privind factorii de succes ai IMM-urilor in Orizont 2020 și cele mai bune practici

Raportul in cauza examineaza in mod minutios tipologia IMM-urilor participante in Programul Orizont 2020.

Language: English
Wed, 31 Jan 2018

European IPR Helpdesk Bulletin Issue (28)

This Bulletin issue is dedicated to IP and research focusing on the crucial role played by IP in the context of research activities and how IP is managed by research institutions.

Language: English
Mon, 29 Jan 2018

Zi de informare dedicată Programelor de lucru 2018-2020 în Orizont 2020.

Institutul Naţional de Cercetări Economice în parteneriat cu Centrul Proiecte Internaţionale al Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei şi Reţeaua Punctelor Naţionale de Contact pentru Programul Cadru Oriz

Language: English
Wed, 24 Jan 2018

Public consultation on next EU Research & Innovation programme

Dear research and innovation stakeholders,

Language: English
Fri, 19 Jan 2018

European IPR Helpdesk Bulletin Issue (28)

This Bulletin issue is dedicated to IP and research focusing on the crucial role played by IP in the context of research activities and how IP is managed by research institutions.WIPO introduces us

Language: English
Mon, 8 Jan 2018

MSCA webinar 24th & 25thJanuary 2018 - Research and Training Projects with European Organisations

In the framework of the Net4Mobility project, the Irish Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Office is organising on the 24 & 25 of January aWebinar

Language: English
