Lean Startup Academy (Bucharest, RO)

Contact point: 

Artiom Jucov, Ghenadie Curorcichin


Thu, 15 Jun 2017


+373 69907927




Bucuresti, România, ICEEfest


The first Lean Startup Academy is based on ten weeks of online training, from May 15 to July 21, followed by a live session that will take place on June 15 - June 16 from 9:00-18:00 at the ICEEfest Bucharest.Ten selected participants will work from “home” prior to the live session, and after there will be a follow-up period to monitor achievements.During the all training the Lean Startup approach and methodology will be used in order to provide entrepreneurs with a toolset to increase chances of generating impact for their companies.The event is organized as part of the EU-funded eHealth Hub project, one of whose aims is to support startups and SMEs in business validation within the eHealth sector.Eligibility criteria:

  •  Early-stage startups and SMEs within the eHealth sector
  •  Headquarters in Europe
  •  Strong commitment to follow the 10 weeks training, attend the Bucharest event and the follow up period on the Lean approach

Selection criteria: unique value proposition / scalability / commitment.Please note that training is free of charge. Travel accommodation and subsistence costs are up to participants.To apply, read the syllabus and fill in the form by April 13.


Event type: 
