ERA-NET Cofund – Promoting Gender equality in H2020 and the ERA

Main pillar: 

  • Science with and for Society


5 000 000



Call deadline: 

Tue, 30 Aug 2016


  • Open


Specific Challenge:

European research still suffers from persistent barriers and constraints to gender equality in the recruitment, advancement and mobility of scientists in the European scientific system, as well as the lack of women in decision-making and the unbalanced representation in the evaluation process of research projects. Statistical evidence suggests that research funding success rates are higher for male than for female researchers. The gender dimension also needs to be further integrated in research programmes and contents. The ERA Progress report 2014 indicates that there are wide disparities among Member States in their awareness and acknowledgement of direct and indirect gender discriminations in research systems as well as in the means they mobilise to overcome them. The challenge is to improve on all these points and advance towards completing the European Research Area in the field of gender equality in research and innovation.

Expected Impact:

The ERA-NET Cofound action is expected to strengthen the development of gender equality measures in research and innovation across the EU and consequently improve the overall research productivity. Through mutual learning, it will improve the implementation of research and innovation programmes and monitoring of gender equality policies.

The ERA-NET Cofound action will help overcome the disparities among countries and implement appropriate conditions for equal opportunities in the research programmes of the participating countries. It will foster closer cooperation and greater pooling of resources between regional, national and EU-wide research programmes. By mobilising Member States and Associated Countries funding and scaling it up, it will contribute to the implementation of the gender priority of the ERA Roadmap.

Call documents: