Energy calls: forthcoming deadlines

2014-2015 forthcoming call dead-lines:

Dead-line: June 05, 2014:

Energy Efficiency: A – Buildings and consumers

EE 4   – 2014: Construction skills

EE 5  – 2014/2015: Increasing energy performance of existing buildings through process and organization innovations and creating a market for deep renovation

EE 7  – 2014/2015: Enhancing the capacity of public authorities to plan and implement sustainable energy policies and measures

EE 8   – 2014: Public procurement of innovative sustainable energy solutions

EE 9   – 2014/2015: Empowering stakeholders to assist public authorities in the definition and implementation of sustainable energy policies and measures

EE 10 – 2014/2015: Consumer engagement for sustainable energy

EE 11 – 2014/2015: New ICT-based solutions for energy efficiency

EE 12 – 2014: Socioeconomic research on energy efficiency

Energy Efficiency: B – Heating and cooling

EE 13 – 2014/2015: Technology for district heating and cooling

EE 14 – 2014/2015: Removing market barriers to the uptake of efficient heating and cooling solutions

Energy Efficiency: C - Industry and products

EE 15 – 2014/2015: Ensuring effective implementation of EU product efficiency legislation

EE 16 – 2014/2015: Organisational innovation to increase energy efficiency in industry

Energy Efficiency: D - Finance for sustainable energy

EE 19 – 2014/2015: Improving the financeability and attractiveness of sustainable energy investments

EE 20 – 2014/2015: Project development assistance for innovative bankable and aggregated sustainable energy investment schemes and projects

EE 21 – 2014/2015: Development and market roll-out of innovative energy services and financial schemes for sustainable energy


Dead-line: June 18, 2014: Two stage projects: June 18, 2014 – stage 1 and October 09, 2014 – stage 2

SMEs and Fast Track to Innovation for Energy

SIE 1 – 2014/2015: Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon and efficient energy system


Dead-line: September 03, 2014: Two stage projects: September 03, 2014 – stage 1 and March 03, 2015 – stage 2

Competitive Low-Carbon Energy:

LCE 1 - 2014: New knowledge and technologies

Competitive Low-Carbon Energy: Renewable electricity and heating/cooling

LCE 2 – 2014/2015: Developing the next generation technologies of renewable electricity and heating/cooling

Competitive Low-Carbon Energy: Sustainable biofuels and alternative fuels for the European transport fuel mix

LCE 11 – 2014/2015: Developing next generation technologies for biofuels and sustainable alternative fuels

Competitive Low-Carbon Energy: Enabling the decarbonisation of the use of fossil fuels during the transition to a lowcarbon economy

LCE 15 – 2014/2015: Enabling decarbonisation of the fossil fuel-based power sector and energy intensive industry through CCS

LCE 17 – 2015: Highly flexible and efficient fossil fuel power plants


Dead-line: September 10, 2014

Competitive Low-Carbon Energy: Renewable electricity and heating/cooling

LCE 3 – 2014/2015: Demonstration of renewable electricity and heating/cooling technologies

Competitive Low-Carbon Energy: Enabling the decarbonisation of the use of fossil fuels during the transition to a lowcarbon economy

LCE 12 – 2014/2015: Demonstrating advanced biofuel technologies

Competitive Low-Carbon Energy: Supporting the development of a European research area in the field of energy

LCE 19 – 2014/2015 : Supporting coordination of national R&D activities

Competitive Low-Carbon Energy: Social, environmental and economic aspects of the energy system

LCE 20 – 2014: The human factor in the energy system


Dead-line: September 24, 2014: Two stage projects: September 24, 2014 – stage 1 and December 17, 2014 – stage 2

SMEs and Fast Track to Innovation for Energy

SIE 1 – 2014/2015: Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon and efficient energy system


Dead-line: December 09, 2014:

Energy Efficiency: A – Buildings and consumers

EE 2 – 2015: Buildings design for new highly energy performing buildings

Energy Efficiency: C - Industry and products

EE 18 – 2014/2015: New technologies for utilization of heat recovery in large industrial systems, considering the whole energy cycle from heat production to transformation, delivery and end use


Dead-line: December 17, 2014:

SMEs and Fast Track to Innovation for Energy

SIE 1 – 2014/2015: Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon and efficient energy system


Dead-line: March 03, 2015:

Competitive Low-Carbon Energy: Renewable electricity and heating/cooling

LCE 3 – 2014/2015: Demonstration of renewable electricity and heating/cooling technologies

Competitive Low-Carbon Energy: Renewable electricity and heating/cooling

LCE 4 – 2014/2015: Market uptake of existing and emerging renewable electricity, heating and cooling technologies

Competitive Low-Carbon Energy: Modernising the European electricity grid

LCE 5 – 2015: Innovation and technologies for the deployment of meshed off-shore grids

LCE 6 – 2015: Transmission grid and wholesale market

Competitive Low-Carbon Energy: Providing the energy system with flexibility through enhanced energy storage technologies

LCE 9 – 2015: Large scale energy storage

Competitive Low-Carbon Energy: Enabling the decarbonisation of the use of fossil fuels during the transition to a lowcarbon economy

LCE 12 – 2014/2015: Demonstrating advanced biofuel technologies

Competitive Low-Carbon Energy: Sustainable biofuels and alternative fuels for the European transport fuel mix

LCE 14 – 2014/2015: Market uptake of existing and emerging sustainable bioenergy

Competitive Low-Carbon Energy: Supporting the development of a European research area in the field of energy

LCE 19 – 2014/2015 : Supporting coordination of national R&D activities

Competitive Low-Carbon Energy: Social, environmental and economic aspects of the energy system

LCE 21 – 2015: Modelling and analysing the energy system, its transformation and impacts

Smart Cities and Communities

SCC 1 – 2014/2015: Smart Cities and Communities solutions integrating energy, transport, ICT sectors through lighthouse (large scale demonstration - first of the kind) projects

Smart Cities and Communities: Enhancing the roll-out of Smart Cities and Communities solutions by stimulating the market demand

SCC 3 – 2015 : Development of system standards for smart cities and communities solutions


Dead-line: March 18, 2015 (two stage projects):

SMEs and Fast Track to Innovation for Energy

SIE 1 – 2014/2015: Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon and efficient energy system


Dead-line: April 28, 2015:

Competitive Low-Carbon Energy: Supporting the development of a European research area in the field of energy

LCE 18 – 2014/2015: Supporting Joint Actions on demonstration and validation of innovative energy solutions


Dead-line: May 05, 2015:

Competitive Low-Carbon Energy: Sustainable biofuels and alternative fuels for the European transport fuel mix

LCE 13 – 2015: Partnering with Brazil on advanced biofuels


Dead-line: June 10, 2015:

Energy Efficiency: A – Buildings and consumers

EE 5  – 2014/2015: Increasing energy performance of existing buildings through process and organization innovations and creating a market for deep renovation

EE 6 – 2015: Demand response in blocks of buildings

EE 7  – 2014/2015: Enhancing the capacity of public authorities to plan and implement sustainable energy policies and measures

EE 9   – 2014/2015: Empowering stakeholders to assist public authorities in the definition and implementation of sustainable energy policies and measures

EE 10 – 2014/2015: Consumer engagement for sustainable energy

EE 11 – 2014/2015: New ICT-based solutions for energy efficiency

Energy Efficiency: B – Heating and cooling

EE 13 – 2014/2015: Technology for district heating and cooling

EE 14 – 2014/2015: Removing market barriers to the uptake of efficient heating and cooling solutions

Energy Efficiency: C - Industry and products

EE 15 – 2014/2015: Ensuring effective implementation of EU product efficiency legislation

EE 16 – 2014/2015: Organisational innovation to increase energy efficiency in industry

EE 17 – 2015: Driving energy innovation through large buyer groups

Energy Efficiency: D - Finance for sustainable energy

EE 19 – 2014/2015: Improving the financeability and attractiveness of sustainable energy investments

EE 20 – 2014/2015: Project development assistance for innovative bankable and aggregated sustainable energy investment schemes and projects

EE 21 – 2014/2015: Development and market roll-out of innovative energy services and financial schemes for sustainable energy


Dead-line: June 17, 2015 (two stage projects):

SMEs and Fast Track to Innovation for Energy

SIE 1 – 2014/2015: Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon and efficient energy system


Dead-line: September 17, 2015 (two stage projects):

SMEs and Fast Track to Innovation for Energy

SIE 1 – 2014/2015: Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon and efficient energy system


Dead-line: December 16, 2015 (two stage projects):

SMEs and Fast Track to Innovation for Energy

SIE 1 – 2014/2015: Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon and efficient energy system


For more information and updates please consult:

Horizon 2020 Work Program 2014-2015 in the area of ‘Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy’:

Calls about Secure, clean and efficient energy: 

H2020 Calls:

H2020 Official Documents:



Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Short description: 

Energie Sigură, Pură şi Eficientă face parte din Provocările Societale definite în Programul Orizont-2020. Programul Orizont-2020 (H2020) este prevăzut pentru perioada anilor 2014-2020. Energie Sigură, Pură şi Eficientă abordează următoarele domenii de bază:

·         Eficienţa energetică (Energy Efficiency, EE)

·         Energie cu nivel redus de carbon competitivă (Competitive Low-Carbon Energy, LCE)

·         Oraşe şi localităţi inteligente (Smart cities and communities, SSC)

·         ÎMM şi Parcurs Rapid spre Inovare în Energie (SMEs and Fast Track to Innovation for Energy)

Apelurile H2020 pentru perioada 2014-2015 au fost publicate pe data de 11 decembrie 2013. Lista apelurilor deschise este prezentată mai jos. Bugetul total, 2014-2020, alocat pentru Energie Sigură, Pură şi Eficientă este de 5.93 miliarde euro, inclusiv 657.87 milioane euro pentru anul 2014 şi 676.92 milioane euro pentru 2015.    

Apelurile pe Eficienţă energetică abordează următoarele domenii: A - Clădiri şi consumatori, B – Încălzire şi răcire, C – Industrie şi produse, D – Finanţarea energiei durabile.

Apelurile în domeniul Energiei cu nivel redus de carbon competitive cover issues of: Tehnologii şi cunoştinţe noi; Surse regenerabile de energie electrică şi la încălzire/răcire; Modernizarea reţelelor electrice europene; Asigurarea flexibilităţii sistemelor energetice prin dezvoltarea tehnologiilor de stocare a energiei; Biocombustibili durabili şi combustibili alternativi pentru transport european; Suport în tranziţie la economie cu nivel redus de emisii de carbon; Suport în dezvoltarea spaţiului european de cercetare în domeniul energiei; Aspecte sociale, ecologice şi economice ale sistemelor energetice; Aspecte transversale.

Apelurile pe Oraşe şi localităţi inteligente şi ÎMM şi Parcurs Rapid spre Inovare în Energie abordează problemele prioritare ale oraşelor/localităţilor şi ale ÎMM după cum acestea sunt definite în programul de lucru şi obiective ale Programului Orizont-2020. 
