Project Executive authority: 

European Commission

Project domain: 

  • Information and Communication Technologies

Project deadline: 

Sun, 31 Jul 2016

Project website:

Person responsible: 

Elena Zamsa




Title: "Bringing the EU-EECA cooperation and policy dialogue in ICT in the HORIZON 2020 era" (GA No 610793)

The main aim of the EECA-2-HORIZON project is to reinforce the development of strategic and mutually beneficial partnerships in ICT between the EU and the East Europe and Central Asia (EECA) countries. The overall goal is to strengthen the links and boost cooperation among the research and industrial communities of both regions to exploit emerging opportunities for international partnerships (both under EU and EECA RTD&I programmes) and jointly address common societal challenges.

Partners: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova and Kazakhstan

More specifically, the project consortium has set the following objectives:

  1. Create a knowledge sharing and collaboration environment to facilitate interaction and support collaboration among ICT research and industrial actors from both regions towards the formation of strategic partnerships.
  2. Link and bring together leading ICT research and industrial actors from both regions in areas of mutual interest and added value for EU - EECA cooperation. This will be based on 2 pillars:
    1. RTD&I actors: sustainable cooperative "ICT Communities" will be created having a thematic focus (e.g. focusing on specific ICT sub-areas); and.
    2. Technology Platforms: strengthen interaction and cooperation among ICT-oriented ETPs and similar structures and interested stakeholders and interested stakeholders from the EECA countries.
  3. Reciprocity in collaboration by identifying and promoting RTD&I national programmes and initiatives from the EECA countries that are open to the participation of EU research teams and/or individual researchers, with a view to support the international cooperation under these EECA programmes.
  4. Support dialogue between the EU and the EECA countries on enhancing their cooperation in ICT and thus contribute in shaping HORIZON2020 research orientation regarding the participation of the EECA ICT research and industrial actors.
  5. Organise a series of increase awareness and networking / twinning events in both regions to promote and facilitate collaboration among ICT actors.