Diagnostics consultation workshop (Brussels, BE)

Contact point: 

Artiom Jucov, Ghenadie Curorcichin


Mon, 19 Jun 2017


+373 69907927




The Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), in collaboration with major European diagnostics companies and the Wellcome Trust, will hold a consultation workshop to discuss ‘Diagnostics for reducing antimicrobial resistance (AMR)’ on 19 June 2017.The workshop, starting at 8:00 and ending at 17:00, will take place at the Renaissance Brussels Hotel, rue du Parnasse 19, 1050 Brussels, Belgium.The goals of the workshop will be:

  • To consult with the relevant stakeholders on a potential Call for proposals under IMI2 addressing the topic ‘Diagnostics for reducing AMR’ that would aim at establishing a framework for value-based translation of innovative diagnostics into routine use to reduce AMR.
  • To better understand the challenges and hurdles faced by diagnostic innovators for translation of early-stage products into validation, and value demonstration in primary and clinical healthcare practice.
  • To obtain a better understanding of what evidence is needed from regulators, health technology assessment bodies and payers for implementation and adoption by healthcare systems.

It is expected that the discussions and conclusions of the consultation workshop will feed into a future IMI2 Call for proposals topic. 


Event type: 
