11th e-concertation meeting for European e-infrastructure projects


Mon, 9 Nov 2015


EC, avenue de Beaulieu 25, 1160 Brussels, Belgium


The objective of the e-concertation meeting is to bring together project coordinators and their partners to discuss present issues related to the implementation of the first Horizon 2020 projects and future activities in light of the soon to be adopted Work Programme 2016-2017.

The European Commission is organising the 11th e-concertation meeting for the European e-infrastructure projects on 9th of November 2015 in Brussels with a strong focus on the cooperation between projects.

Nine e-infrastructures project groups have been set-up to foster cooperation among e-infrastructures projects and share experiences and best practices. These groups will be expected to work together during the e-concertation meeting to find synergies enabling them to satisfy the new requirements and to efficiently address the challenges ahead. We strongly encourage the participation of project partners to the event as it will widen the debates and stimulate cooperation between all actors of the European e-infrastructures.

There will also be discussion streams on the issues we consider more relevant, such as KPIs, TRLs and catalogue of services.

Our new platform Digital4Science is available to launch pre-meeting discussions. Feel free to register and engage with the e-infrastructures community.

The meeting will take place in Brussels, Avenue de Beaulieu 25 from 9h00 to 18h00 and it will be possible to continue the conversations until  20h00.

Registrations to the event will be open until Wednesday 4th of November 2015.


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