This is an UNOFFICIAL document prepared by MSCA-NET, the EU-funded project of National Contact Points (NCP) for the Marie Skłodo
Research Organizations

Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science (Information Systems Laboratory)
Contact person: Ţiţchiev (Camerzan) Inga
373/22 - 72-59-82
5, Academiei street MD 2028, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science (Programming Systems Laboratory)
Contact person: Ciubotaru Constantin
373 22-72-59-82
5, Academiei street MD 2028, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

Information Society Development Institute
Contact person: Dr. Igor Cojocaru
(+373-22) 28 98 39
5A, Academiei street MD2028 Chisinau Republic of Moldova