Research Infrastructures FAQ Available

Within the RICH Project, a FAQ was developed in order to better explain the Work Parogramme for HORIZON2020 RI. You can access it at this LINK.

These FAQ aim to clarify the scope of the calls, topics and areas within topics. Opinion on the precise content of a draft proposal cannot be provided by the Commission services. In general, the potential applicants are encouraged to liaise with their national contact points (NCPs) – see the NCP list on the participant portal.

Please refer also to the general FAQ on Horizon 2020 on the participant portal.

There are several questions related to the focus of a topic (or an area within topic INFRAIA-1-2014/2015): there is in general no definitive answer to such a question, although as much guidance is given here as possible. Too broad a proposal might not be convincing in delivering concrete outcomes while too focused an approach might not be convincing on the impact on the European Research Area (ERA). Once there is a draft concept for a proposal, it is recommended to self-assess it versus 1/ specific challenge, 2/scope and 3/ expected impact which are described for each topic of the work programme (WP). In particular the section on impact may tend to be neglected when preparing a proposal, but each section accounts for one-third of the score.
