Partner Search Horizon 2020: Food security, sustainable agriculture, forestry and bio-economy

The EIP-AGRI Service Point offers this dedicated platform to researchers, end-users and multipliers of research results such as farmers and farmers’ groups, advisors, enterprises and others to find partners for proposals for multi-actor projects and thematic networks under Horizon 2020 on food security, sustainable agriculture, forestry and bio-economy.

The Horizon 2020 calls will include several opportunities to support multi-national demand-driven innovation actions in agriculture, especially through two specific approaches: the thematic networks and the multi-actor research projects. All proposals should include partners from at least three Member States, and in practice project consortia are often much broader.

The multi-actor approach requires that end-users and multipliers of research results, should be closely involved throughout the whole project period. This should lead to innovative solutions that are more likely to be applied in the field, because those who need the solutions will be involved right from the start. The thematic networks should also involve a range of actors from science and practice, along the same lines as the multi-actor approach.

These networks aim to collect existing scientific knowledge and best practices and develop end-user material, such as info sheets and audio-visual material. The material should be available long-term and easily understandable and accessible to end-users and may serve as input for education and for a research database. Four networks will be built around specific themes that are proposed bottom-up.

These thematic networks should have a focus on best practices and research results that are close to being put into practice, but not yet sufficiently tested and adapted to practice needs. A fifth thematic network will focus on exchanging and developing methods for innovation brokering functions, innovation support systems, and advisory activities with a focus on innovation actions.

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