The FET Proactive call on HPC aims to leverage the existing European strengths for building the next generation of extreme performance computing and taking advantage of the new opportunities created from the transition from peta to exascale computing. The ultimate goal is to achieve world-class extreme scale computing capabilities in platforms, technologies and applications.
The FET Proactive HPC call complements the other building blocks under the e-Infrastructures and LEIT-ICT parts of Horizon 2020 of the European HPC strategy.
The Research and Innovations Actions topic "Co-design of HPC systems and applications" has a budget of 41M€ and is open for proposals submission until 27 September 2016.
Two other topics will be opened for proposals in 2017 (with a deadline on 26 September 2017):
- "Transition to Exascale Computing" (Research and Innovation Actions) - budget 40M€
- "Exascale HPC ecosystem development" (Coordination and Support Actions) - budget 4M€