InnovFin – EU finance for Liftra
InnovFin funding has supported small businesses like Denmark’s Liftra in deploying pioneering technology for the wind turbine industry, allowing them to grow into worldwide markets.
InnovFin – EU finance for Novabase
InnovFin funding has helped the Portuguese mid-sized company Novabase in providing leading-edge IT services in their country.
InnovFin – EU finance for ELI Network
InnovFin funding for the ELI Network, a laser-based research facility, has helped bring new research opportunities to the international scientific user community.
E3Network: Making the internet faster on your smartphone
Today's mobile networks need to be fast.
Partner Search from Poland
Please find attached three Partner Search offers from Poland – fo
Știința se întâlnește cu parlamentarii!
La 15 septembrie 2015, membrii parlamentului european vor avea o întâlnire cu cercetătorii de vază din UE.
Parteneri străini pentru domeniul SWAFS!
În data de 22 mai 2015, la Bruxelles a avut loc un eveniment de brokeraj organizat de către rețeaua SWAFS.
O instituție din Austria caută parteneri în domeniul SWAFS!
Institutul Wissenschaftsladen Wien (din Viena) caută parteneri.