
Fri, 10 Nov 2017

Apelul: For a better innovation support to SMEs

Apelul "Pentru o mai bună susținere a inovării pentru IMM-uri" poate fi definit ca o punte între principalele activități ale Orizont 2020 (proiecte de cercetare, proiecte de dezvoltare și inovare)

Language: English
Tue, 7 Nov 2017

European IPR Helpdesk Bulletin Issue (27)

This Bulletin issue is largely dedicated to IP and innovation and their importance for business.An article from WIPO highlights the instances where IP has the potential of playing an important role

Language: English
Wed, 1 Nov 2017

Webinar - SMEs in collaborative Projects

Access4SMEs, the network of Horizon 2020 National Contact Points (NCP) for Small Medium-sized Enterprises and Access to Risk Finance (SMEs, ARF), would like to invite you to participate in the foll

Language: English
Wed, 1 Nov 2017

InnovFin SME Guarantee, implementation results

This presentation contains general information about the implementation results of InnovFin SME Guarantee, a facility under Horizon 2020 Debt Financial Instrument.

Language: English
Wed, 1 Nov 2017

Serviciul de căutare de parteneri

Organizațiile din domeniile Nanotehnologii, Biotehnologii, Energie și Mediu interesate de a participa la Programul Orizont 2020, sunt invitate să utilizeze serviciul de căutare de

Language: English
Mon, 30 Oct 2017

European Union launches new Horizon 2020 Work Programme for Research & Innovation 2018-2020

The Work Programme 2018-2020 of Horizon 2020, the EU’s Research and Innovation funding programme, was launched by the European Commission today.

Horizon 2020 is the largest multinational programme dedicated to research & innovation and it is “open to the world”. This means that researchers, universities, research organisations, companies and non-governmental organisations from across the globe can apply to participate in the activities of the Work Programme carried out mainly through calls  for proposals.

Language: English
Mon, 30 Oct 2017

Attention – Re-launch of Partner Search Tool October 2017

In view of the European Commission launching new Horizon 2020 work programmes for 2018-2020 - the partner search service of the Horizon 2020 NCP network projects NMP TeAm, NCPs CaRE and C-Energy 2020 have improved their services for you! These entail the following and will be effective from 26 October 2017 onwards:

  • Common registration level for the three activities. This will allow registered users to enter partner searches and offers on call topics of all the activities. Which means, that a registrant only needs to fill in his/her profile once and can still chose the specific database of interest.
  • Topic specific deadlines to avoid entries on already closed calls for proposals => after login, then partner offers/searches can be posted
  • General overhaul of the tool
Language: English
Mon, 30 Oct 2017

Register on the NMP TeAm Partner Search Tool

Register on the Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials and Advanced Manufacturing and Processing (NMP) TeAm Partner Search Tool, which database can help

Language: English
Mon, 30 Oct 2017

Programul de lucru pentru Acțiunile Marie Sklodowska-Curie

Comisia Europeană a lansat programul de lucru pentru Acțiunile Marie Sklodowska-Curie, perioada 2018-2020.

Language: English
Mon, 30 Oct 2017

Programul de lucru pentru domeniul Provocări Societale 6!!!

Comisia Europeană a publicat programul de lucru pentru anii 2018--2020 pe domeniul Europa într-o lume în schimbare: societăți favorabile incluziunii, inovatoare și reflexive.

Language: English
