
Tue, 28 Nov 2017

Inițiativa Comisiei Europene "Startup Europe"

Startup Europe este o inițiativă a Comisiei Europene creată pentru a conecta start-up-uri, investitori, acceleratori, antreprenori, rețele corporative, universități și mass-media,

Language: English
Thu, 23 Nov 2017

IMI2 – Funding opportunities for SMEs in Life Science

We would like to inform you about IMI2 Call 13 that is to be launched in the coming two weeks.  As  SMEs are key players in the European pharmaceutical research and development landscape, we strong

Language: English
Thu, 23 Nov 2017

Prezentările din cadrul zilei de informare „Horizon 2020 Work Programme for 2018-2020 & European Research Area instruments”

La data de 17 noiembrie 2017, la Chișinău, s-a desfășurat Ziua de Informare dedicată Programelor de lucru 2018-2020 în Orizont 2020 și instrumentelor Spațiului European de Cercetare (ERA).

Language: English
Thu, 23 Nov 2017

Webinar on the two lump sum pilots in the 2018 Health and NMBP work programmes

The aim of the webinar is to give you an overview of the most important aspects of the lump sum funding scheme so you can guide your clients better in their proposal writing.

Language: English
Wed, 22 Nov 2017

EU objectives for gender equality in research

Three objectives underpin the European Commission’s strategy on gender equality in research and innovation policy:    - Fostering equality in scientific careers;    - Ensuring gender balance in dec

Language: English
Tue, 21 Nov 2017

Webinar: Exploitation strategies in R&I collaborative projects

EaP PLUS will hold the third webinar focused on research and innovation on the 1st of December 2017.

Language: English
Tue, 21 Nov 2017

Prezentarea programului H2020 în cadrul Forumului International "Youth Entrepreneurship in a Modern Society"

În perioada 21-22 Noiembrie 2017 în cadrul forumului internațional "Youth Entrepreneurship in a Modern Society" organizat la Chișinău de Asociația Națională a Tinerilor Manageri (ANTiM) în colabora

Language: English
Mon, 20 Nov 2017

Webstreaming: Horizon 2020 Coordinator's Day: Amendments and Reporting

Astăzi, 20 noiembrie 2017, sub egida Comisiei Europene, se desfăsoară un eveniment axat pe amendamentele unui acord de grant Orizont 2020 și raportarea financiară.

Language: English
Fri, 17 Nov 2017


On November 23 (from 9:30 to 10:30), the EaP Plus project will organize the webinar on SUSTAINABLE PROCESS

Language: English
Fri, 10 Nov 2017

Gender Equality Index 2017: Progress at a snail’s pace

The updated Gender Equality Index shows where Europe stands today. We are moving forward but overall progress is very slow.

Language: English
