
Wed, 14 Sep 2016

Transport Ministers sign declaration for “action plan” on rail freight transport for the Orient/ East-Med Corridor

During the TEN-T Days Conference, held in Rotterdam on the 21st of June 2016, eight Ministers of EU Countries 
Language: English
Wed, 14 Sep 2016

Three public consultations regarding “women in transport”

The European Commission launched 3 public consultations focused on gender equality in the transport field. 
Language: English
Wed, 14 Sep 2016

A new pilot Initiative from the EC: Common Exploitation Booster: Support services for ongoing R&I projects across the FP7 and H2020

The European Commission is implementing support services to help results of ongoing R&I projects to reach 
Language: English
Wed, 14 Sep 2016

Horizon 2020: statistics on the results of the first 100 calls

Since the 1st December 2014, with 100 H2020 calls already closed, the European Commission made several observati ons about the outcomes of this fi rst H2020
Language: English
Wed, 14 Sep 2016

Partner Search for Horizon 2020 Topic NMBP-05-2017

Sought: Smart furniture manufacturers, academic partners, design consulting firms and IT experts for development and demonstration.

Language: English
Tue, 13 Sep 2016

Consultation on Cloud Computing Research Innovation Challenges for WP 2018-2020

The European Commission (DG CONNECT, Unit "Cloud and Software") is consulting all interested stakeholders on the future research and innovation challenges in the area o

Language: English
Fri, 9 Sep 2016

Oportunitate de înregistrare în calitate de evaluator

Unul din scopurile specifice ale proiectului BLACK SEA HORIZON  constă în crearea unei baze

Language: English
Fri, 9 Sep 2016

EU final energy consumption below 2020 targets

A steady decline in energy consumption in the period from 2000 to 2014 has lowered EU final energy consumption from 1133 Mtoe in 2000 to 1061 Mtoe in 2014,

Language: English
Fri, 9 Sep 2016

EU and African Union strive to better integrate evidence into policymaking

For the first time, European and African scientists and policy makers are meeting to better understand the constraints and demands from both the scientific and the policymaking perspective and to develop together new skills in using evidence to inform policy. This capacity buildingevidence and policy event focusing on water-energy-food security nexus is organised jointly by the EU and African Union (AU), together with the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)and takes place at the JRC site, in Ispra, Italy, on 31 August – 2 September.

Language: English
