Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials and Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, and Biotechnology International Partner Search





Interested Topic 
(from work program)

Country Status
    NMBP-17-2016: Advanced materials solutions and architectures for high efficiency solar energy harvesting

Instituto de Telecomunicações

(Research Organization)

Portugal open
  BIOTEC-06-2017: Optimisation of biocatalysis and downstream processing for the sustainable production of high added-value platform chemicals

DISMI - University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

(Higher Education Organisation)

Italy open
    NMBP-04-2017: Architectured / Advanced material concepts for intelligent bulk material structures

Jozef Stefan Institute-Advanced Materials

(Research Organization)

Slovenia open
    NMBP-15-2017: Nanotechnologies for imaging cellular transplants and regenerative processes in vivo

Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC

(Research Organization)

Germany open
    NMBP-19-2017: Cost-effective materials for \"power-to-chemical\" technologies

NMBP-20-2017: High-performance materials for optimizing CO2 capture

CNR-IENI and Department of Chemistry, Padova University

(Higher Education Organisation)

Italy open
  NMBP-06-2017: Improved material durability in buildings and infrastructures, including offshore


(Higher Education Organisation)

Italy open
    NMBP-20-2017: High-performance materials for optimizing CO2 capture

Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies, Universty of Calabria

(Higher Education Organisation)

Italy open
    NMBP-06-2017: Improved material durability in buildings and infrastructures, including offshore

NMBP-07-2017: Systems of materials characterisation for model, product and process optimisation

ITeC - The Catalonia Institute of Construction Technology

(Research Organization)

Spain open
    NMBP-19-2017: Cost-effective materials for "power-to-chemical" technologies

Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT) / Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU)

(Research Organization)

Germany open
    SPIRE-08-2017: Carbon dioxide Utilisation to produce high added value chemicals

NMBP-20-2017: High-performance materials for optimizing CO2 capture

BIOTEC-05-2017: Microbial platforms for CO2-reuse processes in the low-carbon economy

University of Stuttgart, Department of Life Cycle Engineering

(Research Organization)

Germany open

NMBP-04-2017: Architectured / Advanced material concepts for intelligent bulk material structures

NMBP-05-2017: Advanced materials and innovative design for improved functionality and aesthetic in high added value consumer goods

CTCR Footwear Technology Center of La Rioja

(Research Organization)





    FOF-10-2017: New technologies and life cycle management for reconfigurable and reusable customised products

SEAM, Waterford Institute of Technology

(Research Organization)

Ireland closed

NMBP-05-2017: Advanced materials and innovative design for improved functionality and aesthetic in high added value consumer goods

FOF-06-2017: New product functionalities through advanced surface manufacturing processes for mass production


(Industrial SME)

Spain closed

SMEInst-02-2016-2017: Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs

NMBP-06-2017: Improved material durability in buildings and infrastructures, including offshore


(Industrial SME)

Iran, Islamic Republic of open
    NMBP-07-2017: Systems of materials characterisation for model, product and process optimisation

FOF-08-2017: In-line measurement and control for micro-/nano-enabled high-volume manufacturing for enhanced reliability

FOF-09-2017: Novel design and predictive maintenance technologies for increased operating life of production systems

HIDRIA d.o.o.


    NMBP-05-2017: Advanced materials and innovative design for improved functionality and aesthetic in high added value consumer goods
EEB-07-2017: Integration of energy harvesting at building and district level

University of Rijeka. Faculty of Engineering

(Research Organization)

Croatia open
    NMBP-04-2017: Architectured / Advanced material concepts for intelligent bulk material structures
NMBP-28-2017: Framework and strategies for nanomaterial characterisation, classification, grouping and read-across for risk analysis

Engineering Department, University of Ferrara

(Research Organization)

Italy open
    NMBP-05-2017: Advanced materials and innovative design for improved functionality and aesthetic in high added value consumer goods
NMBP-06-2017: Improved material durability in buildings and infrastructures, including offshore
 Innovative solutions for the conservation of 20th century cultural heritage

Lurederra Centro Tecnológico

(Research Organization)

Spain open
    NMBP-35-2017: Innovative solutions for the conservation of 20th century cultural heritage

Bern University of the Arts 

(Research Organization)

Switzerland open
    NMBP-04-2017: Architectured / Advanced material concepts for intelligent bulk material structures
NMBP-06-2017: Improved material durability in buildings and infrastructures, including offshore
NMBP-07-2017: Systems of materials characterisation for model, product and process optimisation

Instituto Tecnologico de Aragon

(Research Organization)

Spain open
    NMBP-05-2017: Advanced materials and innovative design for improved functionality and aesthetic in high added value consumer goods

NMBP-28-2017: Framework and strategies for nanomaterial characterisation, classification, grouping and read-across for risk analysis

NMBP-29-2017: Advanced and realistic models and assays for nanomaterial hazard assessment

Dublin Institute of Technology

(Higher Education)

Ireland open

NMBP-28-2017: Framework and strategies for nanomaterial characterisation, classification, grouping and read-across for risk analysis
NMBP-29-2017: Advanced and realistic models and assays for nanomaterial hazard assessment
NMBP-34-2017: Governing innovation of nanotechnology through enhanced societal engagement

NMBP-06-2017: Improved material durability in buildings and infrastructures, including offshore

NMBP-22-2017: Business models and industrial strategies supporting novel supply chains for innovative product-services


(Industrial SME)

Spain open