International Forum ”TRIANGLE 2016”

The 2nd Annual International Forum “TRIANGLE” of the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (ASEM) in 2016 will be realized under the theme “Higher Education – Making the Knowledge Triangle Work” in order to support the important goals of the 9th Bologna Process Ministerial Conference`s (Yerevan, 14-15 May 2015) by linking EDUCATION, INNOVATION and EMPLOYABILITY in a KNOWLEDGE TRIANGLE in which professionally-oriented programmes play an important role.

The TRIANGLE 2016 is held with the support of the European Commission through the INTEGRA project “Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in European Economic Integration Studies“, the EMA project “Fostering deeper Europeanization of Moldova » (co-financed by the Erasmus + programme under the Jean Monnet action) and the FKTBUM project ”Fostering the Knowledge Triangle in Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova” (co-financed by the Tempus programme).

The Forum opens with a look at the above links of the KNOWLEDGE TRIANGLE on a systemic level, through the eyes of the hosting country Moldova, while taking into account the European Commission’s view on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), and we will be inspired by major academic voices on the national and European levels. We will then go in details into each of the key features of the Knowledge Triangle. The two parallel Forum sessions  (with interactive workshops, roundtable sessions and panel discussions) will develop the three major themes, namely identifying professional higher education in the EHEA, creating knowledge in the institutions in close cooperation with stakeholders, and finally how to make this Knowledge Triangle work, for the benefit of institutions, students and graduates.

For more details, visit official web-site: