Implementation of the EU regulatory framework for electronic communications - 2015

This is the 19th monitoring report on the electronic communications market and regulations, covering in particular key market and regulatory developments in 2014.

In the context of the Digital Agenda Scoreboard, which measures the progress of the European digital economy against specific goals set by the DAE, the Commission services publish an annual staff working document describing the situation of the European electronic communications market and the state of implementation of the EU regulatory framework for electronic communications.

The report starts with a chapter on the European Union, addressing issues such as market developments, regulation, broadband plans, institutional issues, spectrum management, rights of way and access to passive infrastructure, consumer issues, universal service and net neutrality.

This is followed by 28 chapters addressing market and regulatory developments in each of the EU Member States.

The report is a European Commission Staff Working Document and complements the quantitative data of the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), in particular with regard to connectivity, and looks at a set of key regulatory areas.

