On June 2nd, the Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA) bureau of the European Parliament explored Graphene and other 2D materials in the workshop "From Nobel Prize to technology, innovation and industrial competitiveness." Why are they so special? Will the Graphene Flagship allow Europe to take the driving seat in these technologies, and turn them into growth and jobs? For the members of the European parliament present, the conclusions are clear.
The workshop included Nobel prize laureate Sir Konstantin Novoselov, key people from the research field and representatives from European industries such as Airbus and Alcatel-Lucent. Together with parliamentarians and the audience they discussed the opportunities for industry, consumer safety aspects, and the connection between fundamental research and innovation. The flagship, bringing together academia and industry, is playing a crucial role in these areas and is allowing Europe to maintain the lead in these technologies.
Check out here below press releases, videostreaming of the workshop, video interview with Nobel Prize winner K.S. Novoselov, presentations, blogposts:
- Blog Post by Zoran Stancic, EC DG CNECT, Deputy Director General: "Alice in the flatland: the trip of graphene from Nobel Prize to European competitiveness"
- Press release 4June2015 :STOA Workshop: EU Parliament :"Graphene-the-wonder-material-of-the-21st-century"
- EU Parl. blog: STOA Workshop: "Graphene: the one-atom-thick film of carbon that makes all the difference"
- Blogpost EU Parl STOA: "Graphene: a honeycomb lattice with the strength to change our world"
- Graphene Flagship: "Annual Report 2013-2014" (pdf)
- VIDEO: Interview EuroparlTV with K. Novosolosev Nobel Prize winner on 2 June 2015
- STOA Workshop: Presentation given by Jari Kinaret, coordinator Graphene Flagship (pdf)
- STOA Workshop : Presentation given by Nobel Prize winner: K.S. Novoselov.(pdf)
- EP thinkthank: Ten technologies that could change your life (one is graphene) (pdf)
- STOA WORKSHOP participants booklet (pdf)
The workshop was held on 2 June 15:30 – 18:30 at the European Parliament in Brussels (BE)
Webpage: STOA workshop EU Parl. "Graphene in Europe" 2nd June 2015, Brussels