Funding Opportunities

Geological storage pilots / 2017-01-05 
European Commission
EUR 9.000.000 - 16.000.000 
The EU is committed to an overall reduction of greenhouse gas emissions of at least 80% by 2050. Nonetheless, fossil fuels will continue to be used in Europe\'s power generation as well as in other industrial processes for decades to come. Therefore, the 2050 target can only be achieved if the emissions from fossil fuel combustion in the power generation sector and energy intensive industries are eliminated from the system.


Social Sciences and Humanities Support for the Energy Union / 2017-01-05 
European Commission
EUR 2.000.000 - 4.000.000 
Completing the Energy Union remains one of the top priorities of the European Commission, and a critical component in Europe\'s transition towards the decarbonized energy system of the future. Over and above the many technological challenges that need to be overcome on the road to reaching these twin goals, a number of cross-cutting issues need to be better understood, particularly those relating to socioeconomic, gender, sociocultural, and socio-political aspects of the energy transition.


Reducing aviation noise / 2017-01-26 
European Commission
EUR 5.000.000 - 9.000.000 
Exposure to aircraft noise has an adverse effect on population. High levels of perceived noise have also an important impact on future extensions of airports which are reaching their capacity limits. Despite significant progress on noise reduction at source and on noise abatement procedures, aircraft noise continues to cause adverse effects on quality of life and on public health, notably in the neighbourhood of major airports.


Maintaining industrial leadership in aeronautics / 2017-01-26 
European Commission
EUR 5.000.000 - 9.000.000 
European aeronautics has never been stronger, however new opportunities and challenges lie towards 2020 and beyond. Research and innovation is the main response towards maintaining the competitiveness throughout the whole supply chain. While a number of technologies are already addressed under the Clean Sky 2 Public-Private Partnership, there are other promising ones at low maturity levels that need to be further advanced.


Breakthrough innovation / 2017-01-26 
European Commission
EUR 2.000.000 - 4.000.000 
Very ambitious long-term goals are addressed by Europe\'s vision for aviation Flightpath 2050, in particular for maintaining and extending industrial leadership and for protecting the environment. As many evolutionary technologies are mature near to their maximum potential, new disruptive breakthrough technologies are needed to reach these ambitious goals.