The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation in the Republic of Moldova
Fellowships for scientific publications for 2016 year
Agenția Universitară a Francofoniei lansează un apel prin care susține publicațiile științifice francofone. Astfel, AUF oferă o subvenție editorului pentru publicarea unei lucrări originale, care poate fi o monografie, o lucrare colectivă sau un număr special de revistă.Pentru mai multe detalii accesați:
A number of the restrictive measures adopted by the EU against Russia have direct implications on the Horizon 2020 (H2020) and Horizon Europe (HE) Programmes.
The European Commission has announced the launch of the MSCA4Ukraine scheme, part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. The MSCA4Ukraine scheme is part of the EU’s response to the Russia’s invasio
A competitive COFUND call offering opportunities for postdoctoral fellowships in research at the intersection of data science and neurology at an Irish university.