FAQs related to Horizon 2020 Photonics call



Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Short description: 

A number of questions & answers related to upcoming Photonics call ICT29-2016 have been published on the Participant Portal.

FAQ pages are updated with the answers to the most frequently asked questions that have been submitted to the Horizon 2020 HelpdeskIT Helpdesk, Call Coordinators and H2020 NCP correspondents.

The FAQs specifically related to the Photonics call topic ICT-29-2016 can be found here or as follows: 

  1. Open the ICT-29-2016 topic on the Participant Portal
  2. In the field 'Topic conditions and documents', click on '+More'
  3. See the link at point 9.

The page may be updated in the future with more FAQs.

FAQs of a more general nature e.g. on H2020 rules or on issues with the proposal submission system may be found under the 'Support' tab of the Participant Portal.

