The European Commission is preparing the Next Generation Internet Initiative. An open consultation has just been launched to give everyone the chance to share their views and ideas about the Internet of 2030.
"I live in the Internet. I grow with the Internet. I don't see the Internet. I am more independent with the Internet." These are some of the possible scenarios you may think regarding the internet in 2030. In order to obtain more views, the European Commission is launching a consultation on the Next Generation Internet. This consultation consists of questions related to specific technology areas that might become important for the Internet of the future, such as decentralised architectures, immersive environments and networking solutions beyond IP. The deadline to reply to the consultation is 9 January 2017.
The consultation is backed by an online platform to engage with a broad audience where participants can access and comment on background documents and learn about relevant events. In this platform, additional discussions will be launched on the hot topics raised in the consultation. A report with the results of the consultation will be published in January 2017.