72 M€ funding for 103 SME-driven innovation projects in Eurostars-2 Cut-Off 5!

Eurostars-2 participating countries and the European Commission will invest an estimated total of 72 M€ in 103 transnational innovation projects involving 27 different countries. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) account for 68% of all project participants and are the main beneficiaries of Eurostars funding.

These are the results of the latest evaluation round for applications (cut-off 5) to the Eurostars-2 programme supporting international innovation projects led by research and development (R&D) performing SMEs.  Since 2014, Eurostars-2 supported close to 500 projects worth 679 M€.

As a result of the evaluation, a total of 335 entities will receive public funding, the vast majority of them being SMEs (68%), followed by universities (16%), research institutes( 11%), large companies (4%) and other entities (1%). SMEs will be in charge of 79% of the project budgets.

With 299 applications received, the overall success rate for projects in the latest evaluation round (cut-off 5) was 34 %.

Top market area healthcare, top country Germany

Almost 40% of successful projects will create an innovative product, service or process for the medical/health-related market.  This is by far the highest share for a market area, followed by industrial products/manufacturing (17%), Energy and Computer-related (both 8%).

The top five countries involved in a Eurostars collaboration are Germany, with 29 projects, France (25), Sweden (22), the Netherlands (21) and Norway (19).

The full list of approved projects is available here

The next deadline for the submission of applications is 15 September 2016:
