3rd ETSI/IQC Workshop on Quantum-Safe Cryptography


Mon, 5 Oct 2015


Seoul, Korea


This 3rd ETSI/IQC workshop on Quantum-Safe Cryptography, hosted by SK Telecom, will take place in Seoul (Korea) from 5 to 7 October 2015.

During the 2nd Quantum-Safe Crypto workshop, participants built on results of the first workshop and developed short and medium term objectives needed to reach the goal of a quantum-safe cryptographic infrastructure. The result was the creation of a standardization group making an assessment and recommendations on the various proposals from industry and academia for quantum safe cryptography for real-world deployment and to standardize their relevant parts when needed. In addition to considering the security properties of these proposals in isolation, they also try to understand their practical properties (efficiency, functionality, agility); which real-world applications each might be well suited to (Internet protocols, constrained environments, cloud, big data, SCADA, etc.); and to make pragmatic comparisons between currently deployed solutions and the proposed quantum safe alternatives.
This 3rd ETSI/IQC workshop on Quantum-Safe Cryptograph, hosted by SK Telecom, now aims at verifying on the one hand some of the ideas arisen in various discussions on the ETSI QSC White Paper and in particular to identify further development in the area of QSC as well as its practical application. Here the most recent requirements from industry and administrations, but also potential solutions stemming from the most recent research will be presented during this workshop.
On 7 October, an excursion to SK Telecom premises in order to better understand the particular requirements for QSC in a network operator's environment will take place.

Conference Proceedings: ETSI will publish all presentations and associated articles from this workshop, given the agreements of the authors.

This workshop will take place back-to-back with the QCRYPT 2015 event:   http://2015.qcrypt.net/ 

Who should attend?

The targeted audience consists of the key players and decision makers in deploying a global quantum-safe cryptographic infrastructure. This includes implementers of conventional post-quantum cryptography (i.e. crypto algorithms resistant against quantum computers), QKD implementers, implementers of cryptography and security tools and systems (which will need quantum-safe cryptographic primitives), first industry and government adopters of quantum-safe tools, standardization bodies, and anyone else interested in moving now to be a part of creating the quantum-safe cryptographic infrastructure for the future.


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