€5m worth Horizon prizes for clean engines launched by the European Commission

        Horizon Prizes are challenge prizes (also known as ‘inducement’ prizes) which offer a cash reward to whoever can most effectively meet a defined challenge. They act as an incentive for innovation. They prescribe the goal but not who the innovator should be or how the goal should be achieved. Recently, the EC has announced two new H2020 prizes to support the development of clean engines which will reduce air pollution. Namely, a €1.5m prize will be allocated for the development of the ‘Engine retrofit for clean air’, meaning new devices that can be applied to existing diesel engines in order to reduce the pollutants that they emit. A separate €3.5m prize will be dedicated to the ‘Cleanest engine of the future’, meaning the development of a new clean engine which uses conventional fuels. For the ‘Cleanest engine of the future’ participants have to submit the application through the Participant Portal and deliver the prototype (i.e. the donor vehicle with the installed innovation which has already been tested by the applicants, with no modifications) to the JRC in Ispra by the 20th August 2019. Regarding the ‘Engine retrofit for clean air’, participants have to submit the application through the Participant Portal and deliver the prototype to the JRC in Ispra by 12th September 2017.
For further information http://bit.ly/17PJlr5
